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Showing posts from October, 2011

Life & style Breastfeeding Breastfeeding leads to better behaviour in children, researchers claim

Babies who are breastfed are less likely to have behavioural problems by the age of five than those given formula milk, according to new research. The question of whether breastfeeding has a long-term impact on behaviour has been investigated before, but the studies have usually been small-scale and inconsistent in their findings. But a large research project carried out by the universities of Oxford, Essex and York, together with University College London, has come to a more robust conclusion. They used data from the ongoing Millennium Cohort Study, a survey of babies born in the UK during a 12-month period between 2000 and 2001. More than 10,000 mother and baby pairs of white ethnic background took part. They were interviewed when the baby was nine months old and again at two-yearly intervals. The researchers asked parents to fill in questionnaires to assess their children 's potential behavioural difficulties. These included emotional issues such as c...

Pregnancy: Weeks 1-9 - Video

Getting Your Children Ready for a New Baby

Having a new baby is very exciting, even if it isn't your first child. Along with the regular preparations for a new baby come the added responsibilities of preparing other children for a new bundle of joy. When to you tell your children and what to say about the pregnancy and a new baby really depends a lot on the age and maturity level of that child. An older child with more of a concept of time passage will be able to learn earlier in the pregnancy than a child who has no concept of time. Some people choose to relate the time of the baby's birth to an event, which works well even for smaller children. For example, "The new baby will come near Thanksgiving." Another thing to keep in mind about when to tell a child is how fearful you are of having to explain an early loss. We actually told our older children early in pregnancy. My personal view point was that we'd have to explain my elation/nausea or my depression. When we did lose our baby, we simply explained t...