What are some of the early signs of labor? After 9 months it all comes down to this. Most women are both excited and a little nervous at the same time. The amazing thing about pregnancy and the female body is that no pregnant woman can miss the early signs of labor because her body will provide her with clues to tell her that the start of labor is approaching.here is main signs for labour pain,
Contractions are one of the first and most important signals that baby is on her way! If you are feeling labor contractions, you may be beginning labor, so it is important to keep track of them, including their length, intensity, and how many minutes apart they are. You might want to get your partner to help you with this, especially if the contractions become really intense.
True contractions tend to occur at regular and consistent intervals. They will also become stronger in intensity and last for longer periods of time if you are really going into labor. If your labor pain continues to come at five minute intervals, you should probably contact your health care provider and begin your plan for labor, whatever that may be.
False contractions, also called Braxton Hicks contractions, should feel quite different from real labor contractions. They are often less painful and should eventually decline in intensity. Unlike real labor pains, Braxton Hicks will not increase in frequency unless you are engaging in particularly heavy work or activity.
Back Pain
You have probably been suffering from a sore and aching back for a while now, but back pain is also a sign that you may be going into labor. If your lower back feels particularly achy than it could be a labor sign If you are in labor, this back pain should also increase in intensity. Back pain often comes along with symptoms similar to those you would get with you period. You may feel particularly crampy or premenstrual.
Bloody Show
Labor is often preceded by the appearance of a bloody discharge from the vagina. This discharge is actually the mucous plug that blocks the entrance to the cervix. This mucuous plug has spent the last nine months protecting your baby from infection. Now that the mucuous plug is gone, your baby can begin to move down into the birth canal.
This plug is often referred to as a bloody show, as it looks like it is tinged with blood. It can be dark brown or red in appearance. Once this plug has appeared, labor can occur at any time, although it could still be days away.
Dilation of the Cervix
Once you begin labor, your cervix will become softer and thinner than usual. This is referred to as effacement. Your cervix will also begin to dilate to accomodate the size of your baby.
You probably won't notice that your cervix is dilating or that you are becoming effaced. Your health care provider will notice this effacement during your pelvic exam.
Breaking of Waters
Only about 15% of pregnant women actually experience the breaking of their waters, so this may not be the best marker of the early stages of labor. However, if it does occur, you should call your doctor and go to the hospital right away, as this is a sign you are in labor.
During pregnancy, your baby grows and develops in a sac of special water called amniotic fluid. When labor begins, this fluid sac can break sending a gush or just a trickle of water out. This fluid should be clear. If it is green or brownish in color this could be a sign that your baby is in distress, so head to the hospital right away