Pregnant women are more vulnerable to viral respiratory infections like the new coronavirus or COVID-19, and are urging pregnant women to do all they can to stay well. pregnant women to do all they can to avoid getting any infections by frequently washing their hands and avoiding other people who are sick.
These precautions include:
- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. Wash for at least 20 seconds before you eat, after you sneeze and after using the bathroom.
- Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers in addition to hand-washing.
- Regularly clean surfaces like counters and your mobile phone.
- Avoid community candy jars, and be careful at buffets, where many people touch surfaces or utensils.
- Sneeze and cough into a sleeve rather than into your hand or the air.
- Avoid contact with anyone with cold or flu symptoms.
- Stay home from work or school if you are sick.
- If you’re sick or immunocompromised, avoid places with large numbers of people.
- Drink water every 15 minutes.