Aaban - Name of the Angel
Aabid - Worshiper
Aabidah - Worshipper
Aabirah - Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral
Aabish - Daughter of Sa'd who was a queen of Iran (AN)
Aadab - Hope, need
Aadil - Just, Upright
Aadila - Just, Honest, Equal, Upright
Aaeedah - Visiting, Returning, Reward
Aaeesha - Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Aafia - Good health
Aafiya - Good Health
Aafreeda - Created, Produced
Aafreen - Brave, Acclaim
Aahil - Prince
Aa'idah - Name of a narrator of hadith
Aairah - Noble, respectful
Aakifah - Devoted, Dedicated
Aala - Bounties
Aalam - World
Aalee - Sublime, high
Aaleyah - Exalted, Highest social standing
Aalia - Exhalted, Noble
Aalim - Religious Scholar
Aalimah - Scholar, Authority
Aaliyah - Tall, Towering
Aamaal - Hopes, Aspirations, Wishes
Aamanee - Good wish
Aamil - Doer, Work man
Aamilah - Doer of (good) deeds, Righteous
Aaminah - Secured, Safe
Aamir - Civilised
Aamira - Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited
Aamirah - Inhabitant
Aani Fatimah Khatoon - She was a literary woman and a poetess in Qastaniniyah
Aanisah - Young lady, Maiden
Aaqib - Follower
Aaqil - Intelligent
Aaqilah - Intelligent
Aara - Adoring
Aarif - Knowing, aware
Aarifah - Knowing, Women who recognises Islam
Aariz - Respectable man
Aaryan - Of Utmost strength
Aashif - Bold, courageous
Aashir - Living
Aasia - Hope
Aasif - An able minister
Aasim - Person who keeps away from sins
Aasimah - Protector, defendant, central
Aatif - Kind Affectionate
Aatifa - Affection, Sympathy
Aatikah - Generous
Aatiqah - Shoulder (support) old
Aatirah - Fragrant
Aaus - Name of a tree
Aayan - God's gift
Aazeen - Beauty
Aazim - Determined
Abaan - Old Arabic name
Abasah - Daughter of al-Mahdi
Abbas - Image of a Lion
Abd Al-Ala - Slave of the High
Abda - Worshipper
Abdia - Slave of Allah
Abdul Aalee - Servant of the Most High
Abdul Adl - Slave of the just
Abdul Afuw - Slave of the one who pardons
Abdul Ahad - Slave of he who is one (Allah)
Abdul Aleem - Servant of the Omniscient
Abdul Ali - Slave of the High one
Abdul Alim - Slave of the All knowing
Abdul Awwal - Slave of the First One
Abdul Azeez - The servant of the most powerful
Abdul Azim - Slave of the great
Abdul Aziz - Servant of the powerful one
Abdul Baari - Servant of the Creator
Abdul Baasit - Servant of the Extender and Creator
Abdul Badee - Slave of the originator
Abdul Baith - Slave of the one who raises death
Abdul Baqi - Slave of the Eternal
Abdul Bari - Slave of the creator
Abdul Baseer - Slave of the All-seeing
Abdul Basit - Slave of the enlarger
Abdul Batin - Slave of the unseen
Abdul Fattah - Slave of the opener, slave of the giver of victory
Abdul Ghafaar - Servant of the Forgiver
Abdul Ghafoor - Servant of the Forgiver
Abdul Hafeez - Slave of the Protector
Abdul Hafiz - Slave of the Guardian
Abdul Hakam - Servant of the Arbitrator
Abdul Hakeem - Servant of the Wise
Abdul Haleem - Servant of the Mild and Patient
Abdul Halim - Slave of the Wise
Abdul Hameed - Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised
Abdul Hamid - Slave of the Praiseworthy
Abdul Hannan - Slave of the Merciful
Abdul Haq - Servant of the Truth
Abdul Haseeb - Servant of the Respected and Esteemed
Abdul Hasib - Slave of the Reckoner
Abdul Hayy - Slave of the Living
Abdul Jabaar - Servant of the Mighty
Abdul Jaleel - Servant of the Great and Revered
Abdul Jawwad - Slave of the Bountiful
Abdul Kabir - Slave of the Great
Abdul Kareem - Servant of the Noble and Generous
Abdul Karim - Slave of the Gracious
Abdul Khabir - Slave of the one who is aware
Abdul Lateef - Servant of the Kind
Abdul Maajid - Slave of the Excellence
Abdul Maalik - Slave of the Master, the Lord
Abdul Majeed - Servant of the Glorious
Abdul Mani - Slave of one who prevents
Abdul Mannan - Slave of the Benefactor
Abdul Mateen - Slave of the Firm
Abdul Mubdee - Slave of the Originator
Abdul Mueed - Slave of the Restorer, the Reproducer
Abdul Muhaimin - Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian and the Protector
Abdul Muhaymin - Slave of the Protector
Abdul Muhsin - Slave of the Benefactor
Abdul Muhyee - Slave of the one who gives life and sustains it
Abdul Muiz - Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory
Abdul Mujeeb - Servant of the Responder
Abdul Munim - Slave of the Generous
Abdul Muntaqim - Slave of him who punishes wrongdoings and seizes retribution
Abdul Muqeet - Slave of the Sustainer
Abdul Muqsit - Slave of the Just
Abdul Musawwir - Slave of the Fashioner
Abdul Mutaal - Servant of the Most High
Abdul Muti - Slave of the Giver
Abdul Muzanni - He was a narrator of Hadith
Abdul Nafi - Slave of the Propitious
Abdul Naseer - Slave of the Helper
Abdul Noor - Slave of the one who is Light
Abdul Qaadir - Servant of the Capable
Abdul Qadeer - Slave of the Powerful
Abdul Qadir - Slave of the Powerful
Abdul Qahaar - Servant of the Subduer and the Almighty
Abdul Qayyum - Slave of the Self-Subsistent
Abdul Qudoos - Servant of the Most Holy
Abdul Raafi - Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), One who Elevates
Abdul Rabb - Slave of the Lord
Abdul Rafi - Slave of the Exalter
Abdul Raheem - Servant of the Most Compassionate
Abdul Rahim - Slave of the Compassionate
Abdul Rahman - Servant of the merciful one
Abdul Raqib - Slave of the Vigilant
Abdul Rauf - Servent of the merciful
Abdul Tawwab - Slave of the Acceptor of repentance, the relenting
Abdul Waali - Slave of the Governor
Abdul Wahid - Slave of the Unique
Abdul Wajid - Slave of the Finder, the Perceiver
Abdul Wakil - Slave of the Trustee
Abdul Waliy - Slave of the Protecting Friend
Abdul Wasi - Slave of the All Embracing
Abdul-Aalee - Servant of the Most High
Abdul-Adheem - Servant of the Most Great
Abdul-Aleem - Servant of the All-Knowing
Abdul-Baaqi - Servant of the Everlasting
Abdul-Baari - Servant of the Evolver
Abdul-Baasit - Servant of the Expander
Abdul-Barr - Servant of the source of Goodness
Abdul-Dhahir - Servant of the Manifest
Abdul-Ghaffar - Servant of the forgiver
Abdul-Ghafur - Servant of the All-Forgiving
Abdul-Ghani - Servant of the Self-Sufficient
Abdul-Hadi - Servant of the Guide
Abdul-Hafeedh - Servant of the Preserver
Abdul-Hakeem - Servant of the Wise
Abdul-Haleem - Servant of the Forbearing One
Abdul-Hameed - Servant of the Praiseworthy
Abdul-Haqq - Servant of the Truth
Abdul-Haseeb - Servant of the Reckoner
Abdul-Jabbar - Servant of the Compeller
Abdul-Jaleel - Servant of the Sublime One
Abdul-Kareem - Servant of the Most Generous
Abdul-Khaliq - Servant of the Creator
Abdullah - Servant of Allah
Abdul-Lateef - Servant of the Subtle One
Abdul-Majeed - Servant of the Most Glorious
Abdul-Majid - Servant of the Noble
Abdul-Malik - Servant of the Sovereign Lord
Abdul-Mu'eid - Servant of the Restorer
Abdul-Mughni - Servant of the Enricher
Abdul-Mu'izz - Servant of the Honourer
Abdul-Mujeeb - Servant of the Responsive
Abdul-Mumin - Servant of the Guardian of Faith
Abdul-Muqtadir - Servant of the Powerful
Abdul-Muta'alee - Servant of the Most Exalted
Abdul-Nur - Servant of the Light
Abdul-Qaadir - Servant of the Able
Abdul-Qahhar - Servant of the Subduer
Abdul-Qaiyoum - Servant of the Self-Sustaining
Abdul-Quddus - Servant of the Holy
Abdul-Rasheed - Servant of the rightly guided
Abdul-Rashid - Servant of the rightly guided
Abdul-Waajid - Servant of the Finder
Abdul-Wadood - Servant of the Loving
Abdul-Wahhab - Servant of the Best-ower
Abdul-Warith - Servant of the Supreme Inheritor
Abdur Rahman - Slave of Allah
Abdur Rashid - Slave of the Guide
Abdur Razzaq - Slave of the provider;
Abdur-Raheem - Servant of the Most Merciful
Abdur-Rahman - Servant of the Most Gracious
Abdur-Raqeeb - Servant of the Watchful
Abdur-Rasheed - Servant of the Guide to Right Path
Abdur-Rauf - Servant of the Compassionate
Abdur-Razzaq - Servant of the Provider
Abdus - Name of the narrator of one of the hadith
Abdus Sabur - Slave of the Forbearing
Abdus Salaam - Slave of the Giver of Peace
Abdus Samad - Slave of the Eternal, The Independent
Abdus Sami - Slave of the All Hearing
Abdus Sattar - Slave of the one who conceals faults
Abdus Shafi - Slave of the Healer
Abdus Subbooh - Slave of the Extremely pure
Abdush Shahid - Slave of the Witness
Abdus-Sabour - Servant of the Patient
Abdus-Salaam - Servant of the Source of Peace
Abdus-Samad - Servant of the Eternal
Abdus-Sameei - Servant of the All-Hearing
Abdus-Shaheed - Servant of the Witness
Abdus-Shakur - Servant of the Appreciative
Abeedah - Worshipper
Abeela - To be beautiful
Abeer - Fragrance
Abeera - The mixture of the smell of the petals of Rose and Sundal
Abeerah - Rose, Sandal Saffron mixed together in fragrance
Abia - Great
Abid - Worshipper
Abida - Worshipper
Abir - Serious, beautiful
Abisali - Warrior in Islam
Ablaa - Perfectly formed
Ablah - Perfectly formed
Abqurah - Genius
Abra - Example, Lesson
Abrad - Hail, Mail
Abrar - Peity
Abrash - Spotted, Speckled
Absi - Probably from ABASA to frown; this was the name of Abdullah ibn-Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829
Abt'hi - One who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah
Abul-Hassan - The Son Of Ali
Abyad - A narrator of hadith was so named
Abyan - Elequent
Abzari - Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name
Ada - Grace, Expression
Adab - Hope, Need
Adam - A Prophet's Name
Adawi - Grandson of Sayyindina Umer
Adbul-Qawi - Servant of the Most Powerful
Adeeb - A literary Person
Adeeba - Cultured, Polite
Adeel - Just
Adeela - Equal
Adeelah - Just
Adeem - Rare
Adeena - Pious, good luck
Adeeva - Pleasant, Gentle
Adel - Honorable Judge, One who Jugdes Fairly
Adham - Black
Adheem - The most great
Adib - Cultured
Ad'ifaah - Smart, talented
Adil - Just, Honest
Adila - Justice
Adiy - A companion of the Prophet; also the name of the son of Hatim Tiay known for his generosity; also the son of Thabit had this name
Adl - Justice
Adla - Just, fair woman
Adnan - A tribal ancestor of the Quraysh, the Prophet (S.A.W) was from this tribe; there were other noted men too later in history who had this name; for instance, word bin Hakim, a scholar of Basrah
Aduz Zahir - Slave of the Manifest
Adyan - A nabee was named by this name
Afaaq - The place where Earth & Sky meet
Afaf - Chaste, virtuous, decent, pure
Afeef - Pure, Chaste, Pious
Afeefa - Chaste
Afeerah - Covered with soil or dust
Affan - Forgiving person
Afham - Loving
Afia - Away from all Problems
Afif - Chaste, Modest
Afifa - Neat lady
Afifah - Chaste, modest
Afiq - Honest
Afiyah - 'Health', free from illness and grief
Afizah - A person who knows the recital of the qur'an
Aflah - Gaining success-but the Prophet (S.A.W) has discouraged us from giving such names to our children; according to Sayyidina Jab (R.A), The Prophet (S.A.W) intended to forbid such names as Yala, Barakah,
Afra - Dust-coloured
Afraa - White
Afrah - Happiness
Afraz - Standing tall like a mountain,ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it
Afreen - Friendly
Afroza - Light from fire
Afroze - Enlightening
Afruz - Standing tall like a mountain, ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it
Afsa - Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) wife
Afsana - Story
Afshan - Adornment aids
Afsheen - Shine like a star
Aftaab - Bright, prosperous, the sun
Aftab - Sun
Afzal - Best, top most
Agharr - Hansome, beautiful, distinguished illustrious, noble, Magnanimous. Name of a companion of the Prophet, bin al-Muzan
Ahab - Strong
Ahad - The one
Ahd - Pledge, knowledge
Ahdia - Unique, The One
Ahlam - Dreams
Ahmad - Most highly adored
Ahmar - Red Coloured
Ahnaf - Name of one of the narrators of hadith
Ahsan - The best of all
Ahwas - Having narrow, contracted or squinting eyes
Ahyan - Gift of God
Ahzab - Name of one of the narrators of Hadith
Aida - Visiting, returning
Aidah - Visiting, Returning, Reward, Present
A'idah - Guest, the one who's returning
Aidan - Help, intelligent
Aidh - Name of a reciter of the Holy Quran
Aighar - She was a religious, righteous woman
Aijaz - Blessing
Aila - Noble
Aimal - Hope
Aiman - Fearless
Aimen - Most Congratulated
Aimi - Blessing (Malaysian Name)
Ain - Eye, Thus "Precious"
Ain alsaba - Treasure of the eye
Aini - Spring, Flower, Source, Choice
Aisha - Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Aishah - Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
A'ishah - Wife of the Prophet (SAW)
Aiya - Miracle, verses in the Qur'an
Aiyla - Moonlight
Aiza - Noble
Aizah - The daughter of Hazrat Ali (A.S)
Aizat - Sweetness
Ajeebah - A narrator of hadith
Ajer - Reward
Ajlah - A narrator of hadith had this name
Ajlal - Beautiful, stubborn, young princess
Ajmal - Beautiful
Ajradah - Al-Ameeh, was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night sometimes right up to dawn (A.N)
Ajwa - Name of a date in Saudia Arabia. Tree planted by Holy Prohpet (PBUH)
Akbar - Great
Akdas - Most holy book
Akeem - Wise
Akhas - A narrator of hadith
Akhdan - Best Friend
Akhfash - There have been several men of this name; there were grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century
Akhlaq - Behavion
Akhtar - A Star, good man
Akia - Sister
Akif - Attached, Intent
Akifah - Intent, busy
Akilah - Intelligent one who reasons
Akleema - Beautiful. One of the daughters of Adam (A.S)
Akmal - Lion
Akram - More Generous
Al Batra'a - A historical area in jordan
Al hakeem - The Wise
Ala' - Nobility
Al-Adur al-Karimah - A pious, righteous and intelligent woman of Egypt. She respected the Ulama and built religious schools (Madrasah) and mosques, She died in 762
Alaia - Virtuous
Alayna - Princess (Iranian)
Aleemah - Knowing, Knowledgeable
Aleena - Silk of heaven
Aleesa - Joy
Aleeza - Joy
Alesha - Protected by god
Ali - Noble, sublime, fourth Caliph of Islam
Alia - Beautiful
Aliah - Exalted, noble, highest social standing
Alika - Love
Alima - Wise
Alina - Beautiful
Alishaba - Beautiful sunshine
Alishba - Pretty
Aliyah - Exalted, noble
Aliza - The Daughter of Ali (RA)
Al-Kareem - Educator, teacher
Alleyah - Leader
Alma - Apple
Almaas - A diamond
Alman - Kind, willing and wiseman
Almas - Diamond
Almir - Prince
Alraaz - Mystery
Altamash - Name of a famous king
Alvina - Highest, Height
Alzubra - A star in the constellation Leo
Amaan - The most lovelable
Amaar - One who prays 5 times and fasts
Amah - Slave (Female);
Amal - Hope, aspiration
Amala - Hopes, Aspirations
Amalia - Aspirations
Amam - Safety, Protection
Aman - Peace
Amana - Faithful, to believe
Amani - Wishes, aspirations
Amany - A Wish
Amara - Eternal beauty, urgent news
Amatullah - Slave of Allah
Amaya - Night Rain
Amayr - Crown
Ambar - Ambergris
Ambareen - Good smell
Amber - Responsible
Ambereen - Fragarance, amber, sky
Ambreen - Sky
Ameenah - Trustworthy
Ameer - Commander, Prince, Khalifah
Ameera - Noble lady, princess
Ameerah - Princess
Amel - Hope
Amelia - Trustworthy, beautiful
Amena - Trustworthy, faithful, peaceful, honest
Amer - Rich
Amilah - Hopeful
Amima - Close to heart, Someone who gives guidance, Prophet (saw)'s grand daughter
Amin - Faithful, trustworthy, custodian
Amina - Honest
Aminah - Trustworthy, faithful
Amir - Prosperous
Amira - Princess
Amirah - Royal lady, Princess
Amjad - More glorious, more illustrious
Ammaar - One with strong Imaan. Also a Sahabi , one of the early muslims, son of Yasir and Sumaya Rad
Ammar - Long of age
Ammara - Shining star
Ammarah - An inhabitant
Amna - Peace
Amr - "By my life"
Amra - Princess
Amrah - Headgear
Amreen - Sky
Amtullah - Female servant of Allah
Ana - Prestige, self respect
Anah - Patience, perseverence
Anam - Present
Anan - Clouds
Anas - Love, affection
Anasah - The freed slave of the Prophet had this name
Anaum - The blessing of Allah
Anbar - Perfume, ambergris
Andaleeb - Nightingale
Andalib - Nightingale
Andlib - A bird, one who is always happy
Aneeq - Valueable
Aneeqa - Beautiful
Anees - Intimate, friendly
Aneesa - Close, intimate, friendly
Aneesah - Generous, loyal
Aneezah - She-Goat
Angbin - Honey
Anida - Obstinate
Anika - Very unique
Anila - Beautiful
Aniq - Elegant
Anis - Close friend, companion
Anisa - Friendly
Anisah - Close, intimate, friendly
Anisha - Deep thinker, sensitive, high
Aniya - Concern, Loving
Anja - Beauty
Anjam - Stars
Anjum - Stars
Annam - God's Blessing
Anniyah - Concern, loving
Anousha - Sweet, joy, fortunate
Ansar - The first people who converted to the religion of Islam were the people of Ansar
Antarah - This was the name of the freed slave of Sulaym
Anum - Blessing of god, gods gift
Anwaar - Light, glow, gleam
Anwar - More radiant
Anwara - Ray of Light
Anya - Gracious
Anzar - Angel of paradise
Aqdas - Holy, pure
Aqeel - Wise, Intelligent
Aqeela - Intelligent
Aqeelah - Wise, Sensible
Aqeil - Knowledgable
Aqsa - Name of a mosque
Ara - Opinions
Arbaaz - Eagle
Arbab - Who looks after someone or takes care
Areeb - Skillful, Adroit
Areebah - Witty, Smart
Areej - The fragrance of a flower from an orange tree
Areez - Friend
Aresha - Under an umbrella
Arfa - Greatness
Arfan - Gratefulness
Arham - Merciful
Ariana - Full of life
Aribah - Wise
Arif - Acquainted, knowledgeable
Arij - Sweet Smell
Arish - A brave soldier
Arisha - Highness
Arissa - Bright
Arjumand - Noble, Honourable
Armaan - Desire, hope
Arman - Army man
Aroob - Loving to her husband
Aroosa - Bride
Aroush - Angel of paradise
Arqam - Pen, Speckled snake;
Arsal - The one who was sent
Arsala - Lioness
Arsalaan - Lion
Arsh - Dominion , Crown
Arshad - Better guided, honest
Arshaq - Handsome, well proportioned
Arslan - Lion
Artah - A narrator of the hadith
Arub - Loving (to husband)
Arva - Fertile, bountiful
Arwa - Mountain gazelle
Arya - Noble
Aryan - Of utmost strength
Aryisha - Under tree/umberalla
Arzo - Hope
Arzoo - Hope
Arzu - Wish, hope, love
Asad - Lion
As'ad - Happier
Asalah - Purity
Asar - Fourth Prayer of the day
Asbagh - Coloured animal, huge flood, dyer
Asbah - Pure (as water)
Asbat - A narrator of hadith
Aseed - A narrator of Hadeeth
Asfa - Protector, guardian
Asfar - The morning's light
Asfia - Great
Asfiya - Pure
Asgar - Devoted
Asghar - Shorter, Smaller, Junior
Asha'ath - Scattered, Spread about, humble
A'shadieeyah - Princess, cute, perfect
Ashalina - Sweet, always living, shy, loving
Ashar - One who has wisdom
Ashaz - One in a million, name of a sahabi during the time of prophet
Ashbah - Pearl
Asheeyana - House, nest
Asher - Wise, knowledgable
Ashfaq - Compassionate friend
Ashik - Lover, Love
Ashika - Love
Ashim - Generous
Ashmaan - Heaven
Ashmath - Correct path, Straight path
Ashraf - Honorable
Asifa - Organiser
Asili - Original
Asim - Protector
Asima - Protector
Asiya - The Muslim wife of Pharaoh
Asiyah - She was the wife of the Farao in Moesa's time. She turned muslima and died a shahieda because she refused to obey her husband and say that he (farao) was her God
Aslam - Peace
Asli - Pure, original
Asma - Loftier, more eminent
Asmara - Beautiful butterfly
Asmat - Pure, Clean
Asna - The one to be acknowledged or praised
Asra - River of Paradise
Asrar - Secret/Sacred relating to Islam
Ata - Gift, Present
Ataubaq - Handsome, beautiful, helpful, generous and got a lot of love to share
Ateeb - Very pious
Ateefa - Affection, Sympathy
Ateeqah - Old Ancient
Ateeyah - A gift
Athar - Neat, Clean
Athazaz - Unknown, Mystery, Maze
Athier - Lion hearted
Athilah - Deep-rooted, firmly established
Athmah - A narrator of Hadith
Atia - Gift
Atif - United, Joined, Together
Atifa - Affectionate, sympathetic
Atik - The black cloth of the kaaba
Atika - Flower, good smell
Atiq - Ancient, Noble
Atiqah - Beautiful, charitable, loving
Atiya - Gift
Attiq - Old
Awa - Beautiful angel, night
Awad - Reward, Compensation
Awatif - Emotions
Awf - Guest, fragrance, lion;
Awn - To help, assist
Aws - To give
Aya - Phrase from the holy Quran
Ayaan - God's gift
Ayaana - Lucky, good day, day of judgement
Ayaat - Many signs & proofs, verses in the Quran
Ayaaz - Slave
Ayah - A verse from Quran or a sign from God
Ayan - Luck
Ayana - Lucky, good day, day of judgement
Ayat - Verses (pl. of Aya), signs, lessons, proofs
Ayaz - A sincere slave of mehmood the king once upon a time
Aybak - Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian
Aydin - Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the moon
Ayesha - Well of
Aymaan - Lucky
Ayman - Right Hand
Aymen - Sacred, Brave, Old name of Arabia
Ayra - Respectable
Aysha - The name of wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Ayshah - Wife of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
Ayub - A prophet of Allah (swt)
Ayyash - Bread seller
Ayyub - Ayyub was a Prophet of Allah known for his patience in the face of severity and hardship. There have been other noted men by this name, for instance Ibn Tamim was a reciter of the Quran, Al-Sakhtiyani
Azaan - Call for the prayer
Azad - Freedom
Azadeh - Princess
Azeem - Great, greater
Azeemah - Great
Azeeza - Esteemed, precious, cherished
Azfer - Leader
Azhaar - Flowers
Azhar - Famous
Azim - Greatest
Aziman - Sky, heaven
Aziz - Friendship
Azizah - Esteemed, precious, cherished
Azka - Pious
Azlan - Lion
Azma - Blessing of Allah
Azmat - Respect, honor
Azmina - Beautiful, shining
Azra - Maiden, Pious, Woman
Azraa - Unpierced pearl
Azraq - Blue, name of a companion of the Prophet
Azraqi - He was an authority on the history and geography of Makkah
Azzah - Young, female gazelle
Az-zahra - Excellent and smart
Azzam - Determined, resolved
Aabid - Worshiper
Aabidah - Worshipper
Aabirah - Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral
Aabish - Daughter of Sa'd who was a queen of Iran (AN)
Aadab - Hope, need
Aadil - Just, Upright
Aadila - Just, Honest, Equal, Upright
Aaeedah - Visiting, Returning, Reward
Aaeesha - Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Aafia - Good health
Aafiya - Good Health
Aafreeda - Created, Produced
Aafreen - Brave, Acclaim
Aahil - Prince
Aa'idah - Name of a narrator of hadith
Aairah - Noble, respectful
Aakifah - Devoted, Dedicated
Aala - Bounties
Aalam - World
Aalee - Sublime, high
Aaleyah - Exalted, Highest social standing
Aalia - Exhalted, Noble
Aalim - Religious Scholar
Aalimah - Scholar, Authority
Aaliyah - Tall, Towering
Aamaal - Hopes, Aspirations, Wishes
Aamanee - Good wish
Aamil - Doer, Work man
Aamilah - Doer of (good) deeds, Righteous
Aaminah - Secured, Safe
Aamir - Civilised
Aamira - Imperial, Abundant, Inhabited
Aamirah - Inhabitant
Aani Fatimah Khatoon - She was a literary woman and a poetess in Qastaniniyah
Aanisah - Young lady, Maiden
Aaqib - Follower
Aaqil - Intelligent
Aaqilah - Intelligent
Aara - Adoring
Aarif - Knowing, aware
Aarifah - Knowing, Women who recognises Islam
Aariz - Respectable man
Aaryan - Of Utmost strength
Aashif - Bold, courageous
Aashir - Living
Aasia - Hope
Aasif - An able minister
Aasim - Person who keeps away from sins
Aasimah - Protector, defendant, central
Aatif - Kind Affectionate
Aatifa - Affection, Sympathy
Aatikah - Generous
Aatiqah - Shoulder (support) old
Aatirah - Fragrant
Aaus - Name of a tree
Aayan - God's gift
Aazeen - Beauty
Aazim - Determined
Abaan - Old Arabic name
Abasah - Daughter of al-Mahdi
Abbas - Image of a Lion
Abd Al-Ala - Slave of the High
Abda - Worshipper
Abdia - Slave of Allah
Abdul Aalee - Servant of the Most High
Abdul Adl - Slave of the just
Abdul Afuw - Slave of the one who pardons
Abdul Ahad - Slave of he who is one (Allah)
Abdul Aleem - Servant of the Omniscient
Abdul Ali - Slave of the High one
Abdul Alim - Slave of the All knowing
Abdul Awwal - Slave of the First One
Abdul Azeez - The servant of the most powerful
Abdul Azim - Slave of the great
Abdul Aziz - Servant of the powerful one
Abdul Baari - Servant of the Creator
Abdul Baasit - Servant of the Extender and Creator
Abdul Badee - Slave of the originator
Abdul Baith - Slave of the one who raises death
Abdul Baqi - Slave of the Eternal
Abdul Bari - Slave of the creator
Abdul Baseer - Slave of the All-seeing
Abdul Basit - Slave of the enlarger
Abdul Batin - Slave of the unseen
Abdul Fattah - Slave of the opener, slave of the giver of victory
Abdul Ghafaar - Servant of the Forgiver
Abdul Ghafoor - Servant of the Forgiver
Abdul Hafeez - Slave of the Protector
Abdul Hafiz - Slave of the Guardian
Abdul Hakam - Servant of the Arbitrator
Abdul Hakeem - Servant of the Wise
Abdul Haleem - Servant of the Mild and Patient
Abdul Halim - Slave of the Wise
Abdul Hameed - Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised
Abdul Hamid - Slave of the Praiseworthy
Abdul Hannan - Slave of the Merciful
Abdul Haq - Servant of the Truth
Abdul Haseeb - Servant of the Respected and Esteemed
Abdul Hasib - Slave of the Reckoner
Abdul Hayy - Slave of the Living
Abdul Jabaar - Servant of the Mighty
Abdul Jaleel - Servant of the Great and Revered
Abdul Jawwad - Slave of the Bountiful
Abdul Kabir - Slave of the Great
Abdul Kareem - Servant of the Noble and Generous
Abdul Karim - Slave of the Gracious
Abdul Khabir - Slave of the one who is aware
Abdul Lateef - Servant of the Kind
Abdul Maajid - Slave of the Excellence
Abdul Maalik - Slave of the Master, the Lord
Abdul Majeed - Servant of the Glorious
Abdul Mani - Slave of one who prevents
Abdul Mannan - Slave of the Benefactor
Abdul Mateen - Slave of the Firm
Abdul Mubdee - Slave of the Originator
Abdul Mueed - Slave of the Restorer, the Reproducer
Abdul Muhaimin - Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian and the Protector
Abdul Muhaymin - Slave of the Protector
Abdul Muhsin - Slave of the Benefactor
Abdul Muhyee - Slave of the one who gives life and sustains it
Abdul Muiz - Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory
Abdul Mujeeb - Servant of the Responder
Abdul Munim - Slave of the Generous
Abdul Muntaqim - Slave of him who punishes wrongdoings and seizes retribution
Abdul Muqeet - Slave of the Sustainer
Abdul Muqsit - Slave of the Just
Abdul Musawwir - Slave of the Fashioner
Abdul Mutaal - Servant of the Most High
Abdul Muti - Slave of the Giver
Abdul Muzanni - He was a narrator of Hadith
Abdul Nafi - Slave of the Propitious
Abdul Naseer - Slave of the Helper
Abdul Noor - Slave of the one who is Light
Abdul Qaadir - Servant of the Capable
Abdul Qadeer - Slave of the Powerful
Abdul Qadir - Slave of the Powerful
Abdul Qahaar - Servant of the Subduer and the Almighty
Abdul Qayyum - Slave of the Self-Subsistent
Abdul Qudoos - Servant of the Most Holy
Abdul Raafi - Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), One who Elevates
Abdul Rabb - Slave of the Lord
Abdul Rafi - Slave of the Exalter
Abdul Raheem - Servant of the Most Compassionate
Abdul Rahim - Slave of the Compassionate
Abdul Rahman - Servant of the merciful one
Abdul Raqib - Slave of the Vigilant
Abdul Rauf - Servent of the merciful
Abdul Tawwab - Slave of the Acceptor of repentance, the relenting
Abdul Waali - Slave of the Governor
Abdul Wahid - Slave of the Unique
Abdul Wajid - Slave of the Finder, the Perceiver
Abdul Wakil - Slave of the Trustee
Abdul Waliy - Slave of the Protecting Friend
Abdul Wasi - Slave of the All Embracing
Abdul-Aalee - Servant of the Most High
Abdul-Adheem - Servant of the Most Great
Abdul-Aleem - Servant of the All-Knowing
Abdul-Baaqi - Servant of the Everlasting
Abdul-Baari - Servant of the Evolver
Abdul-Baasit - Servant of the Expander
Abdul-Barr - Servant of the source of Goodness
Abdul-Dhahir - Servant of the Manifest
Abdul-Ghaffar - Servant of the forgiver
Abdul-Ghafur - Servant of the All-Forgiving
Abdul-Ghani - Servant of the Self-Sufficient
Abdul-Hadi - Servant of the Guide
Abdul-Hafeedh - Servant of the Preserver
Abdul-Hakeem - Servant of the Wise
Abdul-Haleem - Servant of the Forbearing One
Abdul-Hameed - Servant of the Praiseworthy
Abdul-Haqq - Servant of the Truth
Abdul-Haseeb - Servant of the Reckoner
Abdul-Jabbar - Servant of the Compeller
Abdul-Jaleel - Servant of the Sublime One
Abdul-Kareem - Servant of the Most Generous
Abdul-Khaliq - Servant of the Creator
Abdullah - Servant of Allah
Abdul-Lateef - Servant of the Subtle One
Abdul-Majeed - Servant of the Most Glorious
Abdul-Majid - Servant of the Noble
Abdul-Malik - Servant of the Sovereign Lord
Abdul-Mu'eid - Servant of the Restorer
Abdul-Mughni - Servant of the Enricher
Abdul-Mu'izz - Servant of the Honourer
Abdul-Mujeeb - Servant of the Responsive
Abdul-Mumin - Servant of the Guardian of Faith
Abdul-Muqtadir - Servant of the Powerful
Abdul-Muta'alee - Servant of the Most Exalted
Abdul-Nur - Servant of the Light
Abdul-Qaadir - Servant of the Able
Abdul-Qahhar - Servant of the Subduer
Abdul-Qaiyoum - Servant of the Self-Sustaining
Abdul-Quddus - Servant of the Holy
Abdul-Rasheed - Servant of the rightly guided
Abdul-Rashid - Servant of the rightly guided
Abdul-Waajid - Servant of the Finder
Abdul-Wadood - Servant of the Loving
Abdul-Wahhab - Servant of the Best-ower
Abdul-Warith - Servant of the Supreme Inheritor
Abdur Rahman - Slave of Allah
Abdur Rashid - Slave of the Guide
Abdur Razzaq - Slave of the provider;
Abdur-Raheem - Servant of the Most Merciful
Abdur-Rahman - Servant of the Most Gracious
Abdur-Raqeeb - Servant of the Watchful
Abdur-Rasheed - Servant of the Guide to Right Path
Abdur-Rauf - Servant of the Compassionate
Abdur-Razzaq - Servant of the Provider
Abdus - Name of the narrator of one of the hadith
Abdus Sabur - Slave of the Forbearing
Abdus Salaam - Slave of the Giver of Peace
Abdus Samad - Slave of the Eternal, The Independent
Abdus Sami - Slave of the All Hearing
Abdus Sattar - Slave of the one who conceals faults
Abdus Shafi - Slave of the Healer
Abdus Subbooh - Slave of the Extremely pure
Abdush Shahid - Slave of the Witness
Abdus-Sabour - Servant of the Patient
Abdus-Salaam - Servant of the Source of Peace
Abdus-Samad - Servant of the Eternal
Abdus-Sameei - Servant of the All-Hearing
Abdus-Shaheed - Servant of the Witness
Abdus-Shakur - Servant of the Appreciative
Abeedah - Worshipper
Abeela - To be beautiful
Abeer - Fragrance
Abeera - The mixture of the smell of the petals of Rose and Sundal
Abeerah - Rose, Sandal Saffron mixed together in fragrance
Abia - Great
Abid - Worshipper
Abida - Worshipper
Abir - Serious, beautiful
Abisali - Warrior in Islam
Ablaa - Perfectly formed
Ablah - Perfectly formed
Abqurah - Genius
Abra - Example, Lesson
Abrad - Hail, Mail
Abrar - Peity
Abrash - Spotted, Speckled
Absi - Probably from ABASA to frown; this was the name of Abdullah ibn-Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829
Abt'hi - One who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah
Abul-Hassan - The Son Of Ali
Abyad - A narrator of hadith was so named
Abyan - Elequent
Abzari - Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name
Ada - Grace, Expression
Adab - Hope, Need
Adam - A Prophet's Name
Adawi - Grandson of Sayyindina Umer
Adbul-Qawi - Servant of the Most Powerful
Adeeb - A literary Person
Adeeba - Cultured, Polite
Adeel - Just
Adeela - Equal
Adeelah - Just
Adeem - Rare
Adeena - Pious, good luck
Adeeva - Pleasant, Gentle
Adel - Honorable Judge, One who Jugdes Fairly
Adham - Black
Adheem - The most great
Adib - Cultured
Ad'ifaah - Smart, talented
Adil - Just, Honest
Adila - Justice
Adiy - A companion of the Prophet; also the name of the son of Hatim Tiay known for his generosity; also the son of Thabit had this name
Adl - Justice
Adla - Just, fair woman
Adnan - A tribal ancestor of the Quraysh, the Prophet (S.A.W) was from this tribe; there were other noted men too later in history who had this name; for instance, word bin Hakim, a scholar of Basrah
Aduz Zahir - Slave of the Manifest
Adyan - A nabee was named by this name
Afaaq - The place where Earth & Sky meet
Afaf - Chaste, virtuous, decent, pure
Afeef - Pure, Chaste, Pious
Afeefa - Chaste
Afeerah - Covered with soil or dust
Affan - Forgiving person
Afham - Loving
Afia - Away from all Problems
Afif - Chaste, Modest
Afifa - Neat lady
Afifah - Chaste, modest
Afiq - Honest
Afiyah - 'Health', free from illness and grief
Afizah - A person who knows the recital of the qur'an
Aflah - Gaining success-but the Prophet (S.A.W) has discouraged us from giving such names to our children; according to Sayyidina Jab (R.A), The Prophet (S.A.W) intended to forbid such names as Yala, Barakah,
Afra - Dust-coloured
Afraa - White
Afrah - Happiness
Afraz - Standing tall like a mountain,ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it
Afreen - Friendly
Afroza - Light from fire
Afroze - Enlightening
Afruz - Standing tall like a mountain, ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it
Afsa - Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) wife
Afsana - Story
Afshan - Adornment aids
Afsheen - Shine like a star
Aftaab - Bright, prosperous, the sun
Aftab - Sun
Afzal - Best, top most
Agharr - Hansome, beautiful, distinguished illustrious, noble, Magnanimous. Name of a companion of the Prophet, bin al-Muzan
Ahab - Strong
Ahad - The one
Ahd - Pledge, knowledge
Ahdia - Unique, The One
Ahlam - Dreams
Ahmad - Most highly adored
Ahmar - Red Coloured
Ahnaf - Name of one of the narrators of hadith
Ahsan - The best of all
Ahwas - Having narrow, contracted or squinting eyes
Ahyan - Gift of God
Ahzab - Name of one of the narrators of Hadith
Aida - Visiting, returning
Aidah - Visiting, Returning, Reward, Present
A'idah - Guest, the one who's returning
Aidan - Help, intelligent
Aidh - Name of a reciter of the Holy Quran
Aighar - She was a religious, righteous woman
Aijaz - Blessing
Aila - Noble
Aimal - Hope
Aiman - Fearless
Aimen - Most Congratulated
Aimi - Blessing (Malaysian Name)
Ain - Eye, Thus "Precious"
Ain alsaba - Treasure of the eye
Aini - Spring, Flower, Source, Choice
Aisha - Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Aishah - Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
A'ishah - Wife of the Prophet (SAW)
Aiya - Miracle, verses in the Qur'an
Aiyla - Moonlight
Aiza - Noble
Aizah - The daughter of Hazrat Ali (A.S)
Aizat - Sweetness
Ajeebah - A narrator of hadith
Ajer - Reward
Ajlah - A narrator of hadith had this name
Ajlal - Beautiful, stubborn, young princess
Ajmal - Beautiful
Ajradah - Al-Ameeh, was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night sometimes right up to dawn (A.N)
Ajwa - Name of a date in Saudia Arabia. Tree planted by Holy Prohpet (PBUH)
Akbar - Great
Akdas - Most holy book
Akeem - Wise
Akhas - A narrator of hadith
Akhdan - Best Friend
Akhfash - There have been several men of this name; there were grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century
Akhlaq - Behavion
Akhtar - A Star, good man
Akia - Sister
Akif - Attached, Intent
Akifah - Intent, busy
Akilah - Intelligent one who reasons
Akleema - Beautiful. One of the daughters of Adam (A.S)
Akmal - Lion
Akram - More Generous
Al Batra'a - A historical area in jordan
Al hakeem - The Wise
Ala' - Nobility
Al-Adur al-Karimah - A pious, righteous and intelligent woman of Egypt. She respected the Ulama and built religious schools (Madrasah) and mosques, She died in 762
Alaia - Virtuous
Alayna - Princess (Iranian)
Aleemah - Knowing, Knowledgeable
Aleena - Silk of heaven
Aleesa - Joy
Aleeza - Joy
Alesha - Protected by god
Ali - Noble, sublime, fourth Caliph of Islam
Alia - Beautiful
Aliah - Exalted, noble, highest social standing
Alika - Love
Alima - Wise
Alina - Beautiful
Alishaba - Beautiful sunshine
Alishba - Pretty
Aliyah - Exalted, noble
Aliza - The Daughter of Ali (RA)
Al-Kareem - Educator, teacher
Alleyah - Leader
Alma - Apple
Almaas - A diamond
Alman - Kind, willing and wiseman
Almas - Diamond
Almir - Prince
Alraaz - Mystery
Altamash - Name of a famous king
Alvina - Highest, Height
Alzubra - A star in the constellation Leo
Amaan - The most lovelable
Amaar - One who prays 5 times and fasts
Amah - Slave (Female);
Amal - Hope, aspiration
Amala - Hopes, Aspirations
Amalia - Aspirations
Amam - Safety, Protection
Aman - Peace
Amana - Faithful, to believe
Amani - Wishes, aspirations
Amany - A Wish
Amara - Eternal beauty, urgent news
Amatullah - Slave of Allah
Amaya - Night Rain
Amayr - Crown
Ambar - Ambergris
Ambareen - Good smell
Amber - Responsible
Ambereen - Fragarance, amber, sky
Ambreen - Sky
Ameenah - Trustworthy
Ameer - Commander, Prince, Khalifah
Ameera - Noble lady, princess
Ameerah - Princess
Amel - Hope
Amelia - Trustworthy, beautiful
Amena - Trustworthy, faithful, peaceful, honest
Amer - Rich
Amilah - Hopeful
Amima - Close to heart, Someone who gives guidance, Prophet (saw)'s grand daughter
Amin - Faithful, trustworthy, custodian
Amina - Honest
Aminah - Trustworthy, faithful
Amir - Prosperous
Amira - Princess
Amirah - Royal lady, Princess
Amjad - More glorious, more illustrious
Ammaar - One with strong Imaan. Also a Sahabi , one of the early muslims, son of Yasir and Sumaya Rad
Ammar - Long of age
Ammara - Shining star
Ammarah - An inhabitant
Amna - Peace
Amr - "By my life"
Amra - Princess
Amrah - Headgear
Amreen - Sky
Amtullah - Female servant of Allah
Ana - Prestige, self respect
Anah - Patience, perseverence
Anam - Present
Anan - Clouds
Anas - Love, affection
Anasah - The freed slave of the Prophet had this name
Anaum - The blessing of Allah
Anbar - Perfume, ambergris
Andaleeb - Nightingale
Andalib - Nightingale
Andlib - A bird, one who is always happy
Aneeq - Valueable
Aneeqa - Beautiful
Anees - Intimate, friendly
Aneesa - Close, intimate, friendly
Aneesah - Generous, loyal
Aneezah - She-Goat
Angbin - Honey
Anida - Obstinate
Anika - Very unique
Anila - Beautiful
Aniq - Elegant
Anis - Close friend, companion
Anisa - Friendly
Anisah - Close, intimate, friendly
Anisha - Deep thinker, sensitive, high
Aniya - Concern, Loving
Anja - Beauty
Anjam - Stars
Anjum - Stars
Annam - God's Blessing
Anniyah - Concern, loving
Anousha - Sweet, joy, fortunate
Ansar - The first people who converted to the religion of Islam were the people of Ansar
Antarah - This was the name of the freed slave of Sulaym
Anum - Blessing of god, gods gift
Anwaar - Light, glow, gleam
Anwar - More radiant
Anwara - Ray of Light
Anya - Gracious
Anzar - Angel of paradise
Aqdas - Holy, pure
Aqeel - Wise, Intelligent
Aqeela - Intelligent
Aqeelah - Wise, Sensible
Aqeil - Knowledgable
Aqsa - Name of a mosque
Ara - Opinions
Arbaaz - Eagle
Arbab - Who looks after someone or takes care
Areeb - Skillful, Adroit
Areebah - Witty, Smart
Areej - The fragrance of a flower from an orange tree
Areez - Friend
Aresha - Under an umbrella
Arfa - Greatness
Arfan - Gratefulness
Arham - Merciful
Ariana - Full of life
Aribah - Wise
Arif - Acquainted, knowledgeable
Arij - Sweet Smell
Arish - A brave soldier
Arisha - Highness
Arissa - Bright
Arjumand - Noble, Honourable
Armaan - Desire, hope
Arman - Army man
Aroob - Loving to her husband
Aroosa - Bride
Aroush - Angel of paradise
Arqam - Pen, Speckled snake;
Arsal - The one who was sent
Arsala - Lioness
Arsalaan - Lion
Arsh - Dominion , Crown
Arshad - Better guided, honest
Arshaq - Handsome, well proportioned
Arslan - Lion
Artah - A narrator of the hadith
Arub - Loving (to husband)
Arva - Fertile, bountiful
Arwa - Mountain gazelle
Arya - Noble
Aryan - Of utmost strength
Aryisha - Under tree/umberalla
Arzo - Hope
Arzoo - Hope
Arzu - Wish, hope, love
Asad - Lion
As'ad - Happier
Asalah - Purity
Asar - Fourth Prayer of the day
Asbagh - Coloured animal, huge flood, dyer
Asbah - Pure (as water)
Asbat - A narrator of hadith
Aseed - A narrator of Hadeeth
Asfa - Protector, guardian
Asfar - The morning's light
Asfia - Great
Asfiya - Pure
Asgar - Devoted
Asghar - Shorter, Smaller, Junior
Asha'ath - Scattered, Spread about, humble
A'shadieeyah - Princess, cute, perfect
Ashalina - Sweet, always living, shy, loving
Ashar - One who has wisdom
Ashaz - One in a million, name of a sahabi during the time of prophet
Ashbah - Pearl
Asheeyana - House, nest
Asher - Wise, knowledgable
Ashfaq - Compassionate friend
Ashik - Lover, Love
Ashika - Love
Ashim - Generous
Ashmaan - Heaven
Ashmath - Correct path, Straight path
Ashraf - Honorable
Asifa - Organiser
Asili - Original
Asim - Protector
Asima - Protector
Asiya - The Muslim wife of Pharaoh
Asiyah - She was the wife of the Farao in Moesa's time. She turned muslima and died a shahieda because she refused to obey her husband and say that he (farao) was her God
Aslam - Peace
Asli - Pure, original
Asma - Loftier, more eminent
Asmara - Beautiful butterfly
Asmat - Pure, Clean
Asna - The one to be acknowledged or praised
Asra - River of Paradise
Asrar - Secret/Sacred relating to Islam
Ata - Gift, Present
Ataubaq - Handsome, beautiful, helpful, generous and got a lot of love to share
Ateeb - Very pious
Ateefa - Affection, Sympathy
Ateeqah - Old Ancient
Ateeyah - A gift
Athar - Neat, Clean
Athazaz - Unknown, Mystery, Maze
Athier - Lion hearted
Athilah - Deep-rooted, firmly established
Athmah - A narrator of Hadith
Atia - Gift
Atif - United, Joined, Together
Atifa - Affectionate, sympathetic
Atik - The black cloth of the kaaba
Atika - Flower, good smell
Atiq - Ancient, Noble
Atiqah - Beautiful, charitable, loving
Atiya - Gift
Attiq - Old
Awa - Beautiful angel, night
Awad - Reward, Compensation
Awatif - Emotions
Awf - Guest, fragrance, lion;
Awn - To help, assist
Aws - To give
Aya - Phrase from the holy Quran
Ayaan - God's gift
Ayaana - Lucky, good day, day of judgement
Ayaat - Many signs & proofs, verses in the Quran
Ayaaz - Slave
Ayah - A verse from Quran or a sign from God
Ayan - Luck
Ayana - Lucky, good day, day of judgement
Ayat - Verses (pl. of Aya), signs, lessons, proofs
Ayaz - A sincere slave of mehmood the king once upon a time
Aybak - Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian
Aydin - Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the moon
Ayesha - Well of
Aymaan - Lucky
Ayman - Right Hand
Aymen - Sacred, Brave, Old name of Arabia
Ayra - Respectable
Aysha - The name of wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Ayshah - Wife of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
Ayub - A prophet of Allah (swt)
Ayyash - Bread seller
Ayyub - Ayyub was a Prophet of Allah known for his patience in the face of severity and hardship. There have been other noted men by this name, for instance Ibn Tamim was a reciter of the Quran, Al-Sakhtiyani
Azaan - Call for the prayer
Azad - Freedom
Azadeh - Princess
Azeem - Great, greater
Azeemah - Great
Azeeza - Esteemed, precious, cherished
Azfer - Leader
Azhaar - Flowers
Azhar - Famous
Azim - Greatest
Aziman - Sky, heaven
Aziz - Friendship
Azizah - Esteemed, precious, cherished
Azka - Pious
Azlan - Lion
Azma - Blessing of Allah
Azmat - Respect, honor
Azmina - Beautiful, shining
Azra - Maiden, Pious, Woman
Azraa - Unpierced pearl
Azraq - Blue, name of a companion of the Prophet
Azraqi - He was an authority on the history and geography of Makkah
Azzah - Young, female gazelle
Az-zahra - Excellent and smart
Azzam - Determined, resolved
Baahir | Dazzling, Brilliant |
Baasim | Smiling Babar Origin: Hindi. Literal Meaning: Lion. Contextual meaning: King of Jungle; Lion hearted, brave, courageous and exemplary leadership qualities. Highly, powerful and influential, very charismatic |
Baber | Courageous, Lion Badia Unprecedented, Admirable, Unique Badiyah Desert Badra Full moon |
Badriyah | Resembling the full moon |
Baha | Value, Worth Bahaa Beauty, shining |
Bahar | Spring, Prime (of life), Bloom (of youth) |
Bahij | Splendid Bahira Dazzling, brilliant |
Bahiya | Beautiful, Radiant |
Bahiyyah | Radiant, beautiful |
Bahriyah | alAabidah She was a devoted worshipper and ascetic of Basrah. She used to say, "If the heart gives up the passions (evil desires), it will then demosticate knowledge." (A.N) |
Bakht | Lot, Fate, Portion |
Bakhtawar | Fortunate, Lucky |
Balqees | She was the daughter of Ahmad bin Mishqar, and a distinguished woman of her times; she was the wife of Sayfuddin al Hanafi. (A.N) |
Balqis | Name of the queen of Shiba Banafsha Daughter of Abdullah alRumiyah; was a very pious and generous woman who gave much in charity (A.N) |
Banan | Delicate, finger tips Banujah The daughter of alMahdi Baqar Inevitable, lion, powerful |
Baqir | Beloved one, Close to heart |
Barakah | Blessing; |
Bareerah | Pious; |
Bariah | Excelling |
Barika | Bloom, Be successful |
Barkat | Growth |
Barr | Just, Pious |
Barrah | She was the wunt of the Prophet (S.A.W), daughter of Abdul Muttalib and mother of Abi Salamah (R.A) also the name of the daughter of Abi Tijarah alAbdariyah who narrated from the Prophet (S.A.W) (A.N |
Barraq | Shining |
Barzah | She was a narrator of hadith |
Basaaria | Beautiful, Prior |
Basbas | She was a slave girl of Ibn Nafees; she was beautiful and had a melodeons voice |
Baseema | Smiling |
Basel | Brave |
Basem | Smiling |
Bashaar | Bringer of glad tidings |
Bashar | Bringer of glad tidings |
Basharat | Good news |
Basheera | Bringer of good tidings, Joy |
Bashirah | Bringer of good tidings, joy |
Basil | Brave |
Basilah | Brave, fearless |
Basim | Smiling, Happy |
Basimah | Smiling |
Basir | Bringer of glad tidings |
Basmah | A smile |
Basoos | She was the daughter of Munziq atTamimah (A.N) |
Bassam | Smiling |
Batal | Champion |
Batinah | Hidden, Inner |
Batool | A true devotee woman of Allah |
Batrisyia | Intelligent |
Bazaan | The old emperor of Yaman |
Bazam | It was the name of the Tabiee, Abu Salih |
Bazilah | Clever, intelligent |
Beena | Seeing, clear sighted |
Beenish | Vision, sight; the faculty of seeing |
Behzad | Honest and caring Benazir Unique |
Benzair | Incomparable |
Bilal | Name of the Prophet's Muezzin |
Bilqis | Queen of Sheeba |
Binesh | Clever |
Binish | Clever, Intelligent |
Birrah | Good Deed |
Bisharah | A narrator of Hadith |
Bishr | Joy, solved |
Bisma | Smile |
Buhaysah | A narrator of hadith |
Buhayyah | The name of a freed female slave |
Bulhut | A narrator of hadith had this name |
Bunanah | Yazid alAbshamiyah's daughter |
Buqayrah | A narrator of Hadith |
Burak | Horse like animal that carried the Prophet (PBUH) during mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day |
Burayd | Cold, Mind |
Burdah | She was al Suraymiyah, and a very dutiful worshipper. She wept often so she finally lost her eye sight. When every thing was quiet and motionless, she used to call out in a melancholy voice, O! Habib |
Burhaan | Proof |
Burhan | Proof |
Busayrah | She was a female companion (R.A) and also a muhajirah, who migrated to Madinah; she also narrated a Hadith quoting the Prophet; "Apply yourself to glorifying Allah, saying there is not God but He and |
Bushra | Glad, tidings, good news |
Bushrah | Glad tidings, good news |
Busrah | She was a companion who lived until the era of Muawiyah |
Buthaynah | Of beautiful and tender body |
C | |
Chaman | Garden, from Urdu Language |
Chanda | Moon light |
Chandni | The moon's light |
D | |
Daamin | Guarantor, Surety |
Daania | Beautiful |
Daanish | Wisdom, Learning, Science |
Daanya | Gift of god, beautiful |
Dabbah | Latch, door lock |
Dabir | Judge |
Dafiyah | Narrator of Hadith |
Daghfal | Name of first Islamic geologist |
Dahab | Gold |
Dahma | She was a scholar of religion and had learnt from her brother alImam alMahdi; she excelled in grammer and literature and possessed knowledge of other sciences and arts. (A.N.) |
Dakhil | Foreigner, stranger |
Daleela | Guide, Proof |
Daliya | Dahlia |
Dameer | Heart, Conscience |
Damurah | Sparkle of light, fire |
Daneen | Princess |
Daniel | Intelligent |
Danish | Intelligent |
Daniya | Near, close |
Daniyal | Intelligent |
Darakhsha | Shinning |
Darakhsha | Shinning |
Daria | Learned, knowing |
Darim | Name of a narrator of hadith |
Dawid | Prince |
Dawlah | Riches, happiness |
Dawlat | Khatoon She was from a ruling family |
Dawoud | A Prophet's name |
Da'wud | A Prophet's Name |
Dayyan | A mighty Ruler Dean Religion |
Deeba | Obedience |
Deema | Rainy Cloud |
Deen e | Religion |
Dema | The Rainy Cloud |
Dhakiyah | Bright, intelligent |
Dhiya | Light, splendour |
Dhul Fiqar | Name of the Prophet's sword |
Dilawar | Brave, Courageous |
Dildar | Charming, beloved |
Dilshad | Khatoon She lived between 730750 |
Dina | Love |
Dinar | Name of the grandfather of Abu Bin Thabit |
Diqrah | A narrator of hadith |
Diya | Light (Also pronounced Ziya) |
Diyanah | Religion |
Diyari | A gift, or a present |
Dizhwar | Mean, strong |
Doaa | Pray, a voice of heart, request to Allmighty Allah, |
Duaa | Prayer |
Duba'ah | Daughter of azZubayr and a female companion (R.A) she said to the Prophet (S.A.W) that she intended to perform the pilgrimage but was suffering from pain. The Prophet (S.A.W) instructed her to assume |
Duha | Fore noon |
Dujanah | Rain |
Dunia | The world |
Durdanah | Pearl |
Durrah | Pearl |
E | |
Ehan | Full moon |
Ehsaas | Feel |
Ehsan | Powerful |
Eijaz | Miracle |
Eiliyah | The beautiful one to grow in peace and love with God |
Eimaan | Faith |
Eiman | Faith |
Ejaz | To do something which others cannot do; a miracle; inimitability |
ElAmin | Trustworthy |
Eliza | Unique, precious |
Elma | Apple |
Eman | Faith |
Emran | Progress, Achievement |
Enisa | Good friend |
Eraj | Morning light |
Erina | Beautiful lady |
Ermina | Friendly |
Erum – | Heaven |
Esha'al | Protected by god |
Eshal | The name of flower in the heaven |
Eshan | In God Grace, Worthy |
Eshmaal | Bunch of red roses |
Ezzah | A person who gives the honour, respect |
F | |
Faaiz | Successful, Prosperous, Victories |
Faakhir | Proud, Excellent |
Faaris | Horseman, Knight |
Faaz | Victorius, successful |
Fadeelah | Superiority |
Fadi | Redeemer |
Fadil | Honourable, outstanding |
Fadila | Good looking, attractive < |