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Sex During Pregnancy

Is it safe to have sex while I'm pregnant?

Most women who are having a normal pregnancy may continue to have sex right up until their water breaks or they go into labor. You won't hurt the baby by making love. The amniotic sac and the strong muscles of the uterus protect your baby, and the thick mucus plug that seals the cervix helps guard against infection

health care provider may recommend not having intercourse early in pregnancy if you have a history of miscarriages. Intercourse may also be restricted if you have certain complications of pregnancy, such as premature labor or bleeding. You may need to ask your health care provider to clarify if this means no penetration, no orgasms, or no sexual arousal, as different complications may require different restrictions.

Will sex feel different now that I'm pregnant?

Many women report that sex feels different during pregnancy. Some find it more pleasurable, at least at times. Others may generally find it less so, for part or all of the pregnancy. Here's what's going on.

Increased blood flow to the pelvic area can cause engorgement of the genitals. The heightened sensation that results may add to your pleasure during sex. You may have more vaginal discharge or moistness, which could also be a plus.

On the other hand, you may not like how these changes feel and may find that genital engorgement gives you an uncomfortable feeling of fullness. And, as mentioned above, you may also feel some mild abdominal cramps or contractions during or immediately after intercourse or orgasm.

Your breasts may feel tingly, tender, and unusually sensitive to touch, particularly in the first trimester. The tenderness generally subsides, but your breasts may remain more sensitive. Some women will find this heightened sensitivity to be a turn-on, while others won't (and may even prefer that their breasts not be touched at all).

Let your partner know if anything feels uncomfortable, even if it's something you're used to doing together. If you find you're feeling turned on but not enjoying intercourse, consider other erotic activities, such as mutual pleasuring, oral sex, or self-stimulation. Experiment and make adjustments as a couple to make sex relaxing and pleasurable for both of you.

Remember, too, that there's more to physical intimacy than sex. If you don't feel like having sex or your practitioner has advised you not to, you can still hug, kiss, and caress each other.

I haven't really been in the mood since I got pregnant. Is this normal?

There's a wide range of individual experiences when it comes to sexual desire during pregnancy. Some women have a heightened libido throughout pregnancy, while others find they're less interested in sex. Many women find that their sexual appetite fluctuates, perhaps depending on how they're otherwise feeling physically and emotionally.

You may feel too tired, moody, or nauseated to make love, especially in the first trimester. It's not unusual to feel overwhelmed by the physical and emotional changes you're going through. But take heart – you may find that your libido returns in the second trimester after morning sickness and fatigue have eased up.

It's also not uncommon, however, for desire to wane again in the third trimester, particularly in the last month or two. At this point, you may be too big, achy, or exhausted to make love comfortably. You may feel self-conscious about how your body has changed or preoccupied with the approach of labor and birth.

Let your partner know how you feel and reassure him that you still love him. It's crucial to keep the lines of communication open and to support each other as best you can as you go through these changes together.

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